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Do You Have a Substance Abuse Problem?
Substance abuse means using drugs for non-medical reasons. The drugs can be either legal or illegal. They don't have to be illegal to be abused. If you abuse drugs, you can become dependent on them physically and mentally. Drug abuse and addiction can lead to many problems in life. They can also harm your health.
Many people who abuse drugs don't know they have a problem, or don't want to admit it. They ignore the warning signs of drug abuse and don't listen to family and friends who are concerned.
This assessment is for people who regularly use drugs and wonder if they have a problem with abuse or addiction. The assessment is not for occasional users of drugs.
This assessment is based on the CAGE assessment. CAGE was originally developed to identify alcohol abuse.
This short questionnaire can help you take a closer look at your drug use.
Your results
A "yes" answer to any of the questions in this assessment should make you think about the role that drugs may play in your life. Could you be in denial about a problem with drugs? If you have concerns about drug addiction, talk with your healthcare provider. This is true no matter what your results are on this assessment.
From the answers you gave us, it does not appear that you have a problem with drugs.
About drug addiction and drug abuse
Both drug abuse and drug addiction can lead to many health problems. These problems vary, depending on the type of drug abused. In general, these are the effects:
- Drug abuse weakens your immune system. This makes it harder to fight off infection.
- People who abuse drugs often engage in risky behaviors. These include unsafe sex and sharing of needles. This makes them more likely to get sexually transmitted infections such as HIV and hepatitis.
- Abusing drugs can affect the way your heart works. It can raise your risk for heart attack.
- Certain drugs can harm the kidneys. Other drugs can harm the liver. These include heroin, inhalants, and steroids.
- All drugs that are abused affect the brain. This is because they cause a pleasurable or euphoric effect. Some drugs damage the brain or cause strokes or seizures. Drug abuse can affect memory and attention and can affect decision-making. Over time, the damage to the brain can result in paranoia, depression, and aggression.
- People who abuse steroids for bodybuilding or athletic performance develop problems related to sex hormones. For men, infertility and shrinking of the testicles occur. Women's bodies become more masculine.
- Pregnant women who abuse drugs affect the health of their unborn baby. Drug abuse may cause miscarriage, preterm birth, and low birth weight. As the child grows up, he may have problems with behavior or learning.
Drug abuse and drug dependence also have a large impact on society:
- More than half of the estimated cost of drug abuse is tied to drug-related crime. This includes the impact on victims of crime, the cost of police and prison services, and loss of a legitimate contribution to society by engaging in a life of crime.
- Substance abuse treatment and prevention programs, and medical care needed for health problems tied to drug abuse are additional costs.
- A teenager who abuses drugs may have problems finishing school.
- An adult who abuses drugs may have difficulty keeping a job or helping to provide for a family.
- An older adult who abuses drugs may be more likely to be misdiagnosed with dementia or depression.
Drug addiction is a chronic disease. Like type 2 diabetes, cancer, heart disease, and other chronic illnesses, it has no cure. Drug addiction can be successfully treated, however. Treatment that focuses on changing behavior helps many people. People who are addicted to heroin and certain other drugs can be helped with medicine.
Most treatment programs are led by people who have been specially trained and licensed as counselors.
Programs can be inpatient or outpatient. A variety of programs is available because no single program works for everyone. If you enter a treatment program, you will need to stick with the program for the length of time recommended for it to be effective. Even then, you may need several periods of treatment to remain drug-free.
Where to go for help
You can find a treatment center near you by calling SAMHSA toll-free at 800-662-HELP (800-662-4357), or by visiting the SAMHSA website.
About CAGE: The above assessment is a modified CAGE questionnaire for identifying problems with drug use. The CAGE questionnaire was developed by Dr. John Ewing, founding director of the Bowles Center for Alcohol Studies, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. CAGE is an internationally used assessment instrument for identifying problems with alcohol.
This information is not intended as a substitute for professional health care. Always consult with a healthcare provider for advice concerning your health. Only your healthcare provider can determine if you have a problem with substance abuse.
Online Medical Reviewer: Perez, Eric, MD
Online Medical Reviewer: Watson, L Renee RN, BSN